ISSN (Online): 2583-0090 | A Double Blind Peer-reviewed Journal


Authored by
Tapalina SahaTapalina Saha,Assistant English Teacher,Adamas World School
on 01/11/2022


Language acquisition is one of the fascinating aspects of human development and grammar plays a vital role in speaking or forming any sentence in a particular language. And when it comes to English grammar, the use of correct preposition is of high importance as it makes a sentence proper, comprehensible and sensible. Prepositions in English are usually defined as a word that connects a noun with other words and shows relationship between them. The superfluous use of preposition may spoil the meaning of the sentence; so, one must know the proper use of it to enhance their usage of the language. Therefore, keeping the noteworthiness of it, my analysis will experiment with the subjects and reach to a proper analysis. My study work will focus on the assumption that the knowledge of prepositions develops better in a student of fifth standard through explicit teaching as they are L2 learners and that English is a language that they learn. Also, my experiment will center around two hypotheses, which mutually opposes each other, and by analyzing the results of it, I will reach to a definite conclusion. As a researcher, I will be choosing a group of students reading in fifth standard from Narayana School, Sodepur. I have structured my course into three classes, which is a part of the research methodology. Also, I have chosen twenty prepositions to be taught in two days; the selection of words are solely based on common and frequent usage in the most used and trusted book of any English Medium School –‘High School English Grammar and Composition’ by Wren and Martin. The prepositions are as follows- 1) behind 2) on 3) for 4) with 5) against 6) until 7) across 8) after 9) at 10) of 11) under 12) through 13) among 14) upon 15)about 16) to 17) by 18) above 19) from 20) in.

Keywords : Prepositions, Explicit teaching, Incidental learning, Receptive Knowledge test, Productive Knowledge test, Gap-filling test, task-based method.

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